Adams & Knight Marketing Blog

POSTED BY: Jill Adams, Principal/CEO  

Four Ways to Get More from Your Marketing in 2024


As much as AI is affecting how we do things, it still hasn’t perfected the art of judging what’s worth doing. So, here are four non-AI-generated priorities to consider focusing on for 2024.

1. Lead with purpose, not “positions.” This past year, too many companies got tangled up in…

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Navigating influencer marketing: the marriage between brands and content creators


Remember when social media was the next innovation of integrated marketing communication? So many new opportunities, so much promise. Then, out of left field, comes a new way to capitalize: influencers.

“Influencers.” It’s not a new term. They’ve been around since the early to mid-2010s,…

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Why interactive design is a marketing must-have


If you’re a marketer, you already understand why interactive content is twice as likely to engage a visitor as static content. It enhances points along the customer journey with experiential branding. With technology always moving forward, it’s important to keep tabs on the trends. Here…

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Adams & Knight interns spill the tea


It is always bittersweet to see our interns off at the end of the semester. Their enthusiasm to get in on the action during client meetings, attend shoots, and present their work symbiotically benefits both them and the agency. After weeks of immersive interning, we asked this collegiate…

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The 5 Es: how to effectively engage employees


Healthy company culture is no longer a nice-to-have. Today, it’s a must-have for attracting and retaining­ talent. A Columbia University study shows that the likelihood of job turnover at an organization with high company culture is just 14 percent, while that of low company cultures is…

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From ears to awareness: the growing popularity of brand podcasting


If you’ve listened to a podcast in the last year, you’re not alone. Right now, there are at least 464.7 million podcast listeners worldwide with 28% of the U.S. population listening to podcasts weekly. Brands are taking notice of this widespread popularity. From Trader Joe’s to American…

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POSTED BY: Amy Urso, Creative Copywriter  

So you want to intern in advertising…


On every personality questionnaire you describe yourself as “creative.” You secretly light up when your professor tells your group to brainstorm. You’re “the idea guy” in your marketing classes. Now just one semester away from graduation, I am just like you…

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POSTED BY: Eric Truntz, Chief Technology Officer  

The Four Ss of website security


The issue isn’t whether your site will be hacked—but when. How do you make your website secure? And how capable is your site at detecting and deflecting attacks?

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Performance marketing: 5 tips and trends to propel your strategic plans


Performance marketing is a major focus for driving lower funnel goals to propel business forward. Here’s a quick breakdown of the key trends and what they mean for successful marketing strategies.

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POSTED BY: Reem Nouh, Chief Strategy Officer  

Healthcare marketing: 4 ways to deliver H.O.P.E. in 2021


As the COVID vaccines usher in more promise for a return to normal, H.O.P.E. is the theme for healthcare marketing.

Here’s why it offers both risks and opportunities in 2021

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